"NyayaDhara is a student-centric legal education and information portal dedicated to equipping aspiring legal professionals with essential legal skills, knowledge, and insights, making them future-ready to tackle legal challenges effectively."


Formatting Style

  • Submissions are to be made in English language only.
  • The text of the manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font size, with 1.15 line spacing.
  • Headings should be in capital letters, center-aligned, with single line spacing.
  • Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, 10-point font size, with single line spacing.

Word Limit

  • The abstract should be within 350-500 words, in italics, Times New Roman, 10-point font size, with 1.15 line spacing, along with five (05) keywords.
  • The word limit for submissions (excluding footnotes) is:
    • Articles: 3,000-5,000 words
    • Notes and Comments: 2,000-3,000 words

Who May Contribute

Submission are invited from law students ,teachers academicians, senior lawyer and jurists.

Authors in the ADVOCATE/Lawyer category must mention their affiliation with the court where they practice, along with their registration number.

Single authorship is preferred. However, co-authorship is allowed with a maximum of two authors, but only for research articles.

Co-authorship is not permitted for Case Comments, Notes and Comments, Book Reviews, etc.

Citation/Referencing Style

  • Citations must adhere to the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 21st Edition.
  • Citations should be referenced in the footnoting style.

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