The Nyayadhara International Journal of Legal Research adheres to the highest standards of academic integrity, ethics, and transparency in its editorial and publishing processes. In line with this commitment, the Journal unequivocally condemns plagiarism in any form. The following policy establishes the framework within which the Journal addresses plagiarism and ensures the originality and scholarly rigor of all submitted manuscripts.
For the purposes of this policy, plagiarism is defined as the act of using another person’s intellectual property—whether ideas, text, data, or other forms of creative work—without proper attribution. Plagiarism encompasses, but is not limited to:
The verbatim copying of another person’s work or ideas without appropriate acknowledgment or citation.
The submission of one’s own previously published work (in part or in whole) without proper citation or prior consent, including in cases of overlapping content across multiple publications.
Rewriting or summarizing another person’s ideas or research findings without proper citation.
Failure to correctly cite or acknowledge the sources from which data, ideas, or research are derived.
The appropriation of concepts, research frameworks, or arguments without due acknowledgment.
Declaration of Originality: At the time of manuscript submission, authors must submit a formal declaration affirming that the manuscript is their original work, has not been previously published in part or in whole, and is not under consideration elsewhere for publication. The declaration must also include a statement acknowledging that the manuscript complies with the journal’s plagiarism policy and that all sources used are appropriately cited.
Sample Declaration: “The manuscript submitted to Nyayadhara International Journal of Legal Research is original, has not been published previously in part or whole (except in abstract form), and is not under consideration elsewhere. We fully understand the concept of plagiarism and affirm that no part of this manuscript (whether in the references or otherwise) has been copied verbatim from any other source without proper citation.”
Plagiarism Screening: All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial screening using advanced plagiarism detection software. This software compares the manuscript against a vast database of published works to identify potential instances of plagiarism, including but not limited to direct copying, inadequate paraphrasing, and improper citation.
If plagiarism is minimal or inadvertent, authors will be notified and given a chance to revise, cite sources properly, and resubmit.
If significant plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will be rejected, and the Journal may refuse future submissions from the author(s).
Repeated plagiarism may result in a permanent ban on submitting manuscripts to the Nyayadhara International Journal of Legal Research.
In the event that plagiarism is discovered after an article has been published, the Journal will take the following steps:
Authors submitting manuscripts to the Nyayadhara International Journal of Legal Research are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work. They must:
Editors and reviewers are critical to maintaining the integrity of the peer review process. They are responsible for:
The Nyayadhara International Journal of Legal Research is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards. Authors, editors, and reviewers are expected to comply fully with this Plagiarism Policy. Failure to adhere to these guidelines constitutes a violation of academic integrity and may result in penalties, including rejection of manuscripts, retraction of published articles, and permanent bans on future submissions.
Furthermore, in cases of severe or deliberate plagiarism, the Journal may take legal action to protect the rights of the original authors and maintain the reputation of the academic community.
The Nyayadhara International Journal of Legal Research is committed to maintaining the highest standards of scholarly publishing. By adhering to this Plagiarism Policy, the Journal ensures the integrity, quality, and credibility of the research it publishes, fostering a transparent, ethical, and trustworthy academic environment.