As contributors to the Nyayadhara International Journal for Legal Research, authors are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical behavior. By submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors agree to comply with the following duties:
Authors must provide an honest, thorough, and accurate account of the research conducted. The data, results, and interpretations presented must be truthful and supported by sufficient evidence. Authors should ensure their work is replicable by others in the legal field.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that the manuscript submitted is entirely original. Any work that draws on the ideas, words, or research of others must be appropriately cited and referenced. Plagiarism, whether through copying or paraphrasing substantial portions of another's work, will not be tolerated.
Proper citation is required for all sources that have significantly influenced the research. Authors must acknowledge all contributions from others, including data, legal precedents, literature, and unpublished work. Information obtained through private communication or in the course of confidential work (e.g., peer review) must not be used without explicit permission.
Authorship should be limited to individuals who have made substantial contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the research. All contributors who meet this criterion must be listed as co-authors. The corresponding author must ensure that all coauthors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript before submission.
Authors must disclose any financial or non-financial conflicts of interest that could be perceived as influencing the research findings or interpretations. This includes funding sources, affiliations, and any other relationships that may present a conflict. Full transparency is essential for maintaining the credibility of the journal.
If the research involves human or animal subjects, authors must ensure compliance with relevant legal and ethical guidelines. For studies involving human subjects, informed consent must be obtained and privacy rights must be respected. Authors must also disclose any potential legal or ethical concerns related to the study.
Authors must not submit the same manuscript to multiple journals or publish essentially the same work in more than one journal without prior consent. Manuscripts must not have been previously published elsewhere.
Authors must be prepared to provide raw data or documentation related to their research for editorial review if requested. Authors are also expected to retain all data for a reasonable period following publication, in case further verification or clarification is required..
If authors identify a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they are obligated to notify the journal editor promptly and collaborate on the necessary corrections or retraction. Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of published research is paramount.
By adhering to these responsibilities, authors contribute to the advancement of legal scholarship and uphold the integrity of the academic publishing process. The Nyayadhara International Journal for Legal Research is committed to fostering an environment of respect, transparency, and accountability in the legal research community.